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Saturday, February 16, 2013

2013 CNY Balik Kampung Trip

This year's Chinese New Year balik kampung trip has been a bit different with the addition of my new ride the Proton Exora. I had a wonderful trip with my Exora. It serves my family well with strong, tough and practical characteristics.

It was a very relaxing and comfortable trip with the Exora, mainly because of it's ride and handling and space of cause, which it outclassed my Vios, the test-driven Avanza and my sister-in-law's Alza in every expect minus only its speed. Speed mentioned here is its acceleration, NOT the top-speed compared to the Toyota Vios because the Toyota is unrivaled in this category being a small normal aspirated engine.

I started the trip on early Saturday at around 5 a.m. morning while my kid still in his dreamland. I've packed everything in the car the day before departure and everything went smooth. Then I got stuck in the jam after Sg. Buloh toll because of an accident. Car was moving slowly and I am constantly doing up-shifts and down-shifts...